HSC ICT Chapter 5 : Comprehension Based Questions & Answers

How to write answers to a comprehension based question?

‘Comprehension’ refers to the ability to understand the meaning of a topic. It can be the ability to understand any information, policy, formula, rule, procedure, process etc.

Perceptual level is the second level of thinking skills. This question is given in ‘b’. Such questions do not directly ask for textbook-like details. So the student has to explain or describe the content in his own way.

Marks of comprehension based question will be 2. Out of which 1 is for knowledge and 1 is for comprehension.

Comprehension based questions should be answered in two paragraphs. Answers to knowledge section in the first paragraph and understanding section in the second paragraph.

Answers to comprehension based questions should be written in a maximum of five sentences as per the instruction of the Ministry of Education. But there is no problem if it is a little more or less.

In this case, irrelevant words, unnecessary information or redundant accusations cannot be made in the answer to the question.

2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016 Board Questions

  1. Explain the language written with 0,1. [Jessore Board-2016, Chittagong Board-2016]
  2. Why the program written using machine language is executed fast?
  3. It is possible to express language using only numbers without words-explain. [Cumilla Board-2017]
  4. “The limitation of Low level programing language is the reason of creating high level programing language”-explain. [Dinajpur Board-2017]
  5. High level programing language is better than machine language-explain.
  6. It is easy to do programing in high level programing language-explain.
  7. Why assembly language is more developed than machine language? [Jessore Board-2017]
  8. Algorithm is the precondition of coding –explain. [Dhaka Board-2016]
  9. Write down the importance of algorithm in program coding.
  10. “It is easy to solve a problem using flowchart than algorithm”-explain.
  11. Explain the symbols used in flowchart.
  12. Flowchart is symbol based algorithm-explain.
  13. Pseudocode is not programming language dependent – explain. [Barisal Board-2019]
  14. Why C programing language is called mid-level programing language? [Dinajpur Board-2016]
  15. C is one kind of high level programing language-explain.
  16. C programming language is a case sensitive language. [Dhaka Board-2019]
  17. C is a case sensitive language – explain.  [A-Set: Dhaka, Jessore, Sylhet and Dinajpur Board-2018, Sylhet Board-2017]
  18. What is the difference between C and C++? explain. [Jessore Board-2019]
  19. As a translator program compiler is more suitable-explain. [Barisal Board-2017, Cumilla Board-2016]
  20. It needs to compile the program each time of execution-explain. [Sylhet Board-2016]
  21. In which case interpreter is better than compiler? Explain.
  22. Compiler is more convenient than interpreter – explain. [Dhaka Board-2019] 
  23. Why is the compiler convenient? – Explain. [Dinajpur Board-2019]
  24. Compiler and interpreter are not the same – explain. [Madrasa. Board-2019]
  25. Why is it necessary to compile the source program? explain.
  26. There are some rules for declaring a variable-explain. [Dhaka Board-2017] 
  27. ‘There are some rules to follow while naming variables’ – explain. [Cumilla Board-2017]
  28. Underscores can be used in variable names – explain. [Sylhet Board-2019]
  29. In C language, is “int roll@no;” valid or invalid? Explain.
  30. “1 number” is not a valid variable in C language – explain. [Chittagong Board-2019]
  31. What do you understand by the header file of library function in C language?
  32. What is meant by header file of function  inC programming language ? [Barisal Board-2017]
  33. Explain the math.h file. [Chittagong Board-2019]
  34. Why #include<stdio.h> is mandatory for a C program? Explain.
  35. Write the importance of main() function in a program written in C programming language.
  36. Write the importance of man() function in a C program. [Jessore Board-2017]
  37. Library and user defined functions are not the same in a program-explain.
  38. Why documentation is written? [B-Set: Rajshahi, Cumilla, Chittagong & Barisal Board-2018] 
  39. What is meant by output function? [Barisal Board-2016]
  40. Write down the input and output functions that are used in C programing language.
  41. printf(“%d %x”,a,b); explain the statement. [Rajshahi Board-2017]
  42. scanf(“%f”,&a); explain the statement. [Cumilla Board-2017, Rajshahi Board-2016]
  43. Explain printf() and scanf() with example.
  44. What do you understand by float type in C? Write with example.
  45. When ‘long integer’ is used instead of ‘integer’? Explain. [Chittagong Board-2017]
  46. When unary operator is used? Explain.
  47. Write the importance of operator in program.
  48. Explain i++ and ++i.
  49. Explain k++ and ++k. [Rajshahi Board-2019]
  50. variable++ and ++variable are not the same – explain. [Jessore Board-2019]
  51. Write the difference between “=” and “==”.
  52. Which one between ‘for loop’ and ‘do-while loop’ is easier to use?
  53. “It is possible to use a global variable in the entire program”-explain.
  54. “Array and variable are not the same”-explain. [Madrasa. Board-2017]
  55. Array reduces the complexity of program-explain.
  56. Same type of multiple data can be stored under a variable-explain.


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