How to Answer the Comprehension Based Question?

How to answer the Comprehension Based Question?

How to answer the Comprehension Based Question?

⇒ ‘Comprehension’ refers to the ability to understand the meaning of a subject or Statement. It can be the ability to understand any information, policy, formula, rule, procedure, process etc.

⇒ Comprehension level is the second level of thinking skills. This question is given in ‘b’. In such questions, It is not directly asked for details like text book. So the student has to explain or describe the content in his own way.

⇒ Comprehension based questions carry 2 marks. Out of which 1 is for knowledge and 1 is for comprehension.

⇒ Comprehension based questions should be answered in two paragraphs. Answers to the knowledge section in the first paragraph and comprehension section in the second paragraph.

⇒ Comprehension based questions should be answered in a maximum of five sentences as per the instruction of the Ministry of Education. But there is no problem if it is a little more or less.

⇒ In this case, irrelevant words, unnecessary information or redundant information cannot be written in the answers.


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