Sixth Chapter Lesson-1: Concept of Database.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain data and information.
2. You will be able to distinguish data over information.
3. You will be able to explain data hierarchy.
4. You will be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of database.
5. You will be able to describe the application areas of database.
Data: Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed. For getting desired output in a processing data is used as input. Data can be defined as a representation of facts and it is the smallest part of information. Data is represent...
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Sixth Chapter Lesson-2: Database Management System(DBMS) and RDBMS.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain concept of DBMS.
2. You will be able to describe the functions of DBMS.
3. You will be able to describe advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.
4. You will be able to describe RDBMS, uses of RDBMS and advantages of RDBMS.
5. You will be able to describe DBA and it's functions.
DBMS: A Database Management System (DBMS) is one kind of system software for creating and managing databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data. The DBMS essential...
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Sixth Chapter Lesson-3: Creating database & table and field’s data type.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to create database using DBMS.
2. You will be able to create database table using DBMS.
3. You will be able to explain different field’s data type.
Creating database: For creating a database “MS Access 2010” as DBMS is used. First of all, “MS Access 2010” should be installed. After completing installation, if it is opened, the following window will be appeared.
You can change the database name (file name) and database location as you want from the right side.Next click the create button and database will be created.
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Sixth Chapter Lesson-4: Database queries, Query Languages and Different operators.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain different database queries.
2. You will be able to explain different query languages.
2. You will be able to explain different database operators.
Query: A query is a request for data or information from a database table or combination of tables.
Types of query:
1.Select Query
2.Parameter Query
3.Crosstab Query
4.Action Query
Select Query: Select query is used to retrieve data from a table by selecting fields. It is the mostly used SQL query.
Parameter Query: A parameter query is one of the...
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Sixth Chapter Lesson-5: Different SQL commands of database.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to write DDL commands of SQL.
2. You will be able to write DML commands of SQL.
3. You will be able to write DQL commands of SQL.
Data Definition Language (DDL):
Syntax of SQL Command for Creating Database:
CREATE DATABASE database_name;
SQL Command for creating a database named db_sagc
Syntax of SQL Command for Creating Table:
CREATE TABLE table_name
( column_name_1 data_type(size),
column_name_2 data_type(size),
column_name_n ...
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Sixth Chapter Lesson-6: Database sorting and indexing.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain concept of database sorting.
2. You will be able to explain concept of database indexing.
3. You will be able to describe advantages and disadvantages of indexing.
4. You will be able to differentiate between sorting and indexing.
Database Sorting: Sorting is the process of arranging the records in either ascending or descending order based on specific fields to make reported data more usable.Sorting a table would create a copy of the table in which the rows may have a different order than the original. Storin...
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Sixth Chapter Lesson-7: Database Model and Different key fields.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain different database Model.
3. You will be able to explain different key Fields(Candidate key, Primary key, Composite primary key and Foreign key).
Database Model: A database model is a type of data model that determines the logical structure of a database and fundamentally determines in which manner data can be stored, organized and manipulated. The most popular example of a database model is the relational model, which uses a table-based format. Some database models:
1. Linear model
2. Entity-relationship mo...
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Sixth Chapter Lesson-8 : Database Relation and it’s classification.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain database relation.
2. You will be able to describe the conditions of database relation.
3. You will be able to explain classification of database relation.
Database Relation: Relation between records of a table with the records of another table of a database is called database relation.
Condition for making database relation:
There must have one common field between relational tables and data type, field size and format must be same for that common field.
There must have a primary key field on at least...
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Sixth Chapter Lesson-9: Corporate database and database in government organizations
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain corporate database.
2. You will be able to describe the uses of database in government organizations.
Corporate database: Corporate database is related to any enterprise from starting the enterprise to the wind up off. It contains all the information related to all the activities of any business. It contains the data about the history of related industry. Corporate database helps entrepreneur and managers to take better decisions and for proper controlling over market related activities.
The following DBMS are used i...
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Sixth Chapter Lesson-10: Database security.
At the end of this lesson-
1. You will be able to explain database security.
2. You will be able to explain different methods of data encryption.
Database Security: Protecting data from an unauthorized user in a database is called database security.
Database Security controls certain aspects:
Ensuring not to use data without permission.
Protecting database system from unknown users.
Controlling the use of disc.
Controlling the use of system resource.
Controlling the actions taken by the users.
Types of Database Security: Database security i...
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Sixth Chapter: Knowledge Based Questions & Answers
What is data?
What is information?
What is database?
What is attribute/field/column?
What is entity/record/tuple/row?
What is entity set/table?
What is DBMS?
What is database administrator?
What is query?
What is query language?
What is SQL?
What is DDL/DML?
What is data sorting?
What is indexing?
What is RDBMS?
What is key field?
What is candidate key?
What is primary key?
What is composite primary key?
What is foreign key?
What is database relationship?
What is database relation?
What is corporate database?
What is data...
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HSC ICT Chapter 6 : Comprehension Based Questions & Answers
How to write answers to a comprehension based question?
⇒ 'Comprehension' refers to the ability to understand the meaning of a topic. It can be the ability to understand any information, policy, formula, rule, procedure, process etc.
⇒ Perceptual level is the second level of thinking skills. This question is given in 'b'. Such questions do not directly ask for textbook-like details. So the student has to explain or describe the content in his own way.
⇒ Marks of comprehension based question will be 2. Out of which 1 is for knowledge and 1 is for comprehension.
⇒ Comprehension based q...
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