Fourth Chapter: Knowledge Based Questions & Answers.

  1. What is web page?
  2. What is website?
  3. What is home page?
  4. What is static website?
  5. What is dynamic website?
  6. What is URL?
  7. What is DNS server?
  8. What is IP address?
  9. What is browser?
  10. What is search engine?
  11. What is internet?
  12. What is WWW?
  13. What is web server?
  14. What is domain name?
  15. What is web hosting?
  16. What is HTML syntax?
  17. What is HTML?
  18. What is HTTP?
  19. What are the advantages of HTML?
  20. What is HTML element?
  21. What is HTML attribute?
  22. What is the function of HTML tag?
  23. What is HTML tag?
  24. What is container tag?
  25. What is empty tag?
  26. What is title tag?
  27. What is hyperlink?


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