MCQ on ICT: World and Bangladesh Perspective

1. What is the global village?

a) A world full of information technology

b) A countryside

c) A village

d) A technology less world

2. Which of the following is the main component of the global village?

a) Internet

b) Jet aircraft       

c) Supercomputer       

d) International highway

3. Marshall McLuhan was-

a) Agronomist       

b) Philosopher     

c) Chemist       

d) Technician

4. Which invention has made global communication easier?

a) Computer

b) Telephone

c) Artificial satellite

d) Telegraph

5. It can be done with the help of the Internet –

i. Support in the textbook

ii. Completion of admission activities

iii. Online Classes 

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii       b) i & iii       c) ii & iii      d) i, ii & iii

6. A patient can get services from a distant doctor through which technique?

a) Video conference

b) Online chatting

c) Telemedicine

d) Voice call

7. The key to the current business is –

a) E-commerce     

b) E-mail     

c) Inland commerce     

d) Internal commerce

8. What is called the use of information and technology in the administration?

a) G-Governance

b) I-Governance

c) E-Governance

d) T-Governance

9. The reason for using ICT in the office are-

i. Working accurately

ii. Manifestation

iii. Act fastly

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii       b) i & iii       c) ii & iii      d) i, ii & iii

10. Which type of images is presented in virtual reality?

a) One-dimensional

b) Two-dimensional

c) Three-dimensional

d) Four-dimensional

11. What is called the environment that is not real but seems too real?

a) Virtual Reality

b) Virtual Function

c) Artificial Intelligence

d) Robotics

12. The types of equipment used in VR for data exchanging are –

i. Apron

ii. Data glove

iii. HMD

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii      b) i & iii     c) ii & iii   d) i, ii & iii

13. VR are used in –

i. Driving Training

ii. Education

iii. Medical sector

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii      b) i & iii     c) ii & iii   d) i, ii & iii

14. The things used in creating VR are-

i. Effector

ii. Application Software

iii. Geometry

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii      b) i & iii     c) ii & iii    d) i, ii & iii

15. What is the technology to convey human thoughts through machines?

a) Biometrics

b) Bioinformatics

c) Artificial intelligence

d) Virtual reality

16. The artificial intelligence has been added to which generation of computers?

a) third       

b) fourth     

c) fifth       

d) sixth

17. Who first introduced the word ‘Artificial intelligence’?

a) Jack Williamson

b) Marshall McLuhan

c) John McCarthy

d) Karel Capek

18. In which case the actuator is used?

a) Biometrics

b) Bioinformatics

c) Robotics

d) Virtual Reality

19. Features of Robots –

i. It is perfectly operational

ii. It can work tirelessly

iii. It is slow

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii    b) i & iii    c) ii & iii     d) i, ii & iii

20. Robots are used –

i. In housework         

ii. In planning     

iii. In the inner workings of mining

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii    b) i & iii    c) ii & iii     d) i, ii & iii

Read the stem and answer questions no. 21 & 22:

During the inauguration of the digital fair, the Prime Minister had a lively conversation with the Humanoid called Sofia.

21. What is the point indicated by the stem?

a) Biometrics       

b) Nanotechnology       

c) Robotics       

d) Virtual Reality

22. As a result of the technology used in the stem-

a) Children’s intelligence will develop

b) Human activity will increase

c) Human values ​​will increase

d) Lower the factory cost

Read the stem and answer questions No. 23 & 24:

Recently, Shamim, a student of computer science at X University, has long researched and invented the machine that can move in high and low places and can send video. 

23. What technology did Shamim use to make the machine?

a) Biometrics

b) Nanotechnology

c) Robotics

d) Virtual Reality

24. Shamim’s device can be used in-

i. Industrial factories   

ii. Medical field       

iii. House management

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii    b) i & iii    c) ii & iii     d) i, ii & iii

25. Application Areas of Artificial Intelligence are-

i. Expert System   

ii. Fuzzy logic       

iii. Learning system

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii    b) i & iii    c) ii & iii     d) i, ii & iii

26. Which one expresses the meaning of the word ‘Cryo’?

a) very hot       

b) medical         

c) sickness       

d) cold as ice

27. What does the word ‘surgery’ mean?

a) handwork

b) treating

c) cutting off

d) perfect work

28. What is the technique for destroying abnormal or diseased tissue by applying too cold temperatures?

a) chromosurgery

b) cryosurgery

c) homosurgery

d) biosurgery

29. Cryosurgery is used to treat which of the following diseases?

a) skin disease

b) brain disease

c) stomach disease

d) dentistry

30. Cryosurgery is used to treat in which type of cancer? 

i. Breast           

ii. Prostate       

iii. Liver

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii        b) i & iii        c) ii & iii       d) i, ii & iii

31. In the Biometrics system Fingerprint is-

a) Unique Identity

b)  Finger Identity

c)  Input Data

d) Biological Data

32. What is called the technology that identifies an individual based on structural characteristics?

a) Biometrics

b) Bioinformatics

c)  Biotechnology

d) Genetic Engineering

33. Which one is used in Biometrics?

a) Sensor

b) Digital Meter

c) Weight Meter

d) Thermometer

34. The behavioral characteristics of Biometrics are-

i. Voice

ii. DNA

iii. Signature

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii     b) i & iii       c) ii & iii      d)  i, ii & iii

35. The structural characteristics of Biometrics are-

i. Face

ii. DNA

iii. Finger Print

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii     b) i & iii       c) ii & iii      d)  i, ii & iii

36. Which of the following is used in bioinformatics?

a) SQL




37. Which is the feature of bioinformatics?

a) Storing small data     

b) Combination of biological data

c) Use of nanotechnology       

d) Technology dependent security

38. The application of computer technology to the management of biological information is-

a) Bioinformatics

b) Genetic engineering

c) Cryosurgery

d) Biometrics

39. What is used for gene finding studies?

a) Bioinformatics

b) Genetic engineering

c) Cryosurgery

d) Biometrics

40. Which technology is used to discover the causes of various complex diseases?

a) Bioinformatics

b) Genetic engineering

c) Cryosurgery

d) Biometrics

41. The things related to Bioinformatics are-

i. Biology

ii. Statistics

iii. Computer Science

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii      b) i & iii    c) ii & iii     d) i, ii & iii

42. Application areas of Bioinformatics are-

i. Biotechnology

ii. Creating germ-weapons

iii. Aerospace Research

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii      b) i & iii    c) ii & iii     d) i, ii & iii

43. What is the technique of DNA manipulation of an animal?

a) Bioinformatics

b) Genetic engineering

c) Nanotechnology

d) Biometrics

44. Through Genetic Engineering –

i. New genomes of organisms can be discovered

ii. Insulin can be made commercially

iii. Very easy to identify the person

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii      b) i & iii    c) ii & iii     d) i, ii & iii

45. The steps for recombinant DNA technology are-

i. DNA selection

ii. Carrier selection of DNA

iii. DNA fragmentation

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii      b) i & iii    c) ii & iii     d) i, ii & iii

46. Which one is the application area of genetic engineering?

a) Medical

b) Security

c) Sports

d) Software

47. What is the technique of creating new types of chromosomes?

a) Bioinformatics

b) Genetic engineering

c) Cryosurgery

d) Biometrics

48. Which technology is used in high yielding crop production?

a) Bioinformatics     

b) Genetic engineering       

c) Nanotechnology       

d) Biometrics

49. Who is the father of Genetic engineering?

a) Jack Williamson

b) Paul berg

c) Stanley Cohen

d) Marshal McLuhan

50. Genetic engineering successfully applied in –

i. Industries       

ii. Medical field         

iii. the field of agriculture

Which one is correct?

a) i & ii      b) i & iii    c) ii & iii     d) i, ii & iii

51. One nanometer is equal to how many meters?

a) 10-6 m       

b) 10-7 m       

c) 10-8 m         

d) 10-9 m

52. At the molecular level, the science of changing and controlling substances is called –

a) Genetic engineering       

b) Nuclear engineering         

c) Bioinformatics         

d) Nanotechnology

53. Who is the father of nanotechnology?

a) Johannes Mendes       

b) Louis Pastor         

c) Richard Fineman         

d) Marshall MacLuhan

54. How many nanometers are less than the dimensions of objects in which nanotechnology is employed?

a) 1       

b) 10         

c) 100       

d) 10000

55. 1 nano equals-

a) One part of one hundred crore

b) One part of one crore

c) One part of ten crore

d) One part of one thousand crore

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